All people involved in a project must be competent and able to demonstrate competence
All construction work must be co-ordinated in a professional and effective manner
Good communication must exist between all parties involved in the project
Effective management control throughout the length of the whole project
What can we offer you?
A Step-By-Step Roadmap To Success
With over 30 years experience in the construction health & safety industry we can offer a tailored solution to all of your CDM requirements.
Client CDM Adviser Service
We offer Clients a vital support service in the crucial role they must play to ensure their construction projects fully adhere to the CDM Regulations.
Principal Designer & PD Support Service
We can undertake the duties of the Principal Designer or offer support if you are are required to carry out the role yourself and need some extra support.
Principal Contractor Support Service
We offer a full range of support services for contractors covering H&S policies, Construction Phase Plans, Risk Assessments, Inspections and Safe Systems of Work.
Contractor Support Service
We offer a full range of support services for contractors covering H&S policies, Construction Phase Plans, Risk Assessments, Inspections and Safe Systems of Work.
We offer a full range of events to ensure you and your staff have the skills and knowledge required to undertake your duties safely.
General CDM Advice
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A construction project is notifiable if the construction work is expected to:
- last longer than 30 working days and have more than 20 workers working at the same time at any point on the project or
- exceed 500 person days
Every day on which construction work is likely to be carried out should be counted, even if the work on that day is of a short duration. This includes holidays and weekends.
The client has the duty to notify a construction project. In practice however, the client may ask someone else to notify on their behalf.
No. The definition of construction work has not changed under CDM 2015. The application to maintenance work remains the same as it was under CDM 2007.
Yes. Whether you are an individual or an organisation (client, designer, principal designer, contractor or principal contractor), you can carry out the role of more than one duty holder. You must have the skills, knowledge, experience and (if an organisation) the organisational capability to carry out all of the functions and responsibilities of each role in a way that secures health and safety.
No, not necessarily. To work as a PD, you must be a designer:
- You might be an architect, consulting engineer, quantity surveyor or anyone who specifies and alters designs as part of their work
- You might also be a contractor/builder, commercial client, tradesperson or anyone who carries out design work, or arranges for or instructs people under your control to do so
You must have the right mix of skills, knowledge, experience and (if an organisation) organisational capability to allow you to carry out all of the functions and responsibilities of a PD for the project in hand, and be in control of the pre-construction phase.
Yes. You can choose to take on the PD role yourself. If you do you must have the skills, knowledge, experience and (if an organisation) organisational capability, to carry out all the functions and responsibilities of the PD.
The client has the duty to appoint the PD. If you are no longer involved with the project, the client must appoint another PD. You will still be responsible for the design decisions you made in preparing the original plans. The new PD must then take responsibility for any design decisions made following their appointment.
If the client fails to appoint the PD, then the client assumes the role.
Yes. CDM 2015 applies to all construction work including domestic projects.
You will have different responsibilities depending on whether you are (for example):
- the only contractor working on the job
- the principal contractor
- one of the contractors working for a PC
Yes. If you are the only contractor or the principal contractor (PC), you must draw up a CPP . However, it should be proportionate to the size and scale of the job.
A simple plan before the work starts is usually enough to show that you have thought about health and safety.
If you are a contractor working for a PC, it is the PC who must draw up the CPP.
To help you draw up a CPP for small-scale projects, go to the template CPP , or the CDM Wizard
, a free-to-download smartphone app produced by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB).